Sunday, December 22, 2024

The all-time medal table for all Olympic Games from 1896 to 2024, including Summer Olympic GamesWinter Olympic Games, and a combined total of both, is tabulated below. These Olympic medal counts do not include the 1906 Intercalated Games which are no longer recognized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) as official Games. The IOC itself does not publish all-time tables, and publishes unofficial tables only per single Games. This table was thus compiled by adding up single entries from the IOC database.[1]

The results are attributed to the IOC country code as currently displayed by the IOC database. Usually, a single code corresponds to a single National Olympic Committee (NOC). When different codes are displayed for different years, medal counts are combined in the case of a simple change of IOC code (such as from HOL to NED for the Netherlands) or simple change of country name (such as from Ceylon to Sri Lanka). As the medals are attributed to each NOC, not all totals include medals won by athletes from that country for another NOC, such as before independence of that country. Names in italic are national entities that no longer exist. The totals of NOCs are not combined with those of their predecessors and successors.

World map showing nations that have won Summer Olympic medals, as of completion of the 2024 Summer Olympics.
World map showing nations that have won Winter Olympic medals, as of completion of the 2022 Winter Olympics.

List of NOCs with medals (sortable & unranked)

The table is pre-sorted by the name of each Olympic Committee, but can be displayed as sorted by any other column, such as the total number of gold medals or total number of overall medals. To sort by gold, silver, and then bronze, sort first by the bronze column, then the silver, and then the gold. The table does not count revoked medals (e.g., due to doping).

A total of 162 current and historical NOCs have earned at least one medal. Medal totals in this table are current through the 2024 Summer Olympics, and all changes in medal standings due to doping cases and medal redistributions up to 11 August 2024 are taken into account.

As of completion of the 2022 Winter Olympics, 12 National Olympic Committees have participated on a standalone basis in all 24 Winter Olympic Games. As of completion of the 2024 Summer Olympics, four National Olympic Committees have participated on a standalone basis in all 30 Summer Olympic Games, with five other NOCs missing a perfect participation record due the 1980 Summer Olympics boycott. Of the combined 54 Olympic Games, only FranceGreat Britain and Switzerland have a 100% participation rate.

  Special delegation, not an actual nation
TeamSummer Olympic GamesWinter Olympic GamesCombined total
Team (IOC code)No.No.No.
 Afghanistan (AFG)16002200000160022
 Albania (ALB)10002250000150022
 Algeria (ALG)1574920300001874920
 Argentina (ARG)26222731802000004622273180
 Armenia (ARM)82119228000016211922
 Australasia (ANZ)[ANZ]23451200000234512
 Australia (AUS)[AUS] [Z]28182192226600206761948188199232619
 Austria (AUT)29223544101247188912505393123135351
 Azerbaijan (AZE)8916315670000159163156
 Bahamas (BAH)1882616000001882616
 Bahrain (BRN)11431800000114318
 Barbados (BAR)[BAR]14001100000140011
 Belarus (BLR)71330428588752015213747105
 Belgium (BEL)2847576316722224850495967175
 Bermuda (BER)20101280000281012
 Bohemia (BOH)[BOH] [Z]301340000030134
 Botswana (BOT)12121400000121214
 Brazil (BRA)244049811709000033404981170
 British West Indies (BWI)[BWI]100220000010022
 Bulgaria (BUL)[H]2257898523121123643589188237
 Burkina Faso (BUR)11001100000110011
 Burundi (BDI)811020000081102
 Cameroon (CMR)16312610000173126
 Canada (CAN)28801171563532477727622552157189232578
 Cape Verde (CPV)800110000080011
 Chile (CHI)[I]25384151800004338415
 China (CHN)[CHN]12303226198727122232237724325257221804
 Colombia (COL)21516173830000245161738
 Costa Rica (CRC)17112460000231124
 Ivory Coast (CIV)[CIV]15113500000151135
 Croatia (CRO)9161517489461111820211859
 Cuba (CUB)[Z]228670882440000022867088244
 Cyprus (CYP)120202120000240202
 Czech Republic (CZE)[CZE]82222287281011133416323341106
 Czechoslovakia (TCH)[TCH]164949451431628152532515760168
 Denmark (DEN)[Z]2950808421415010144508184215
 Djibouti (DJI)[B]10001100000100011
 Dominica (DMA)810011000091001
 Dominican Republic (DOM)1645615000001645615
 Ecuador (ECU)1644210200001844210
 Egypt (EGY)[EGY] [Z]24912204110000259122041
 Eritrea (ERI)700112000090011
 Estonia (EST)1410917361142282514111944
 Ethiopia (ETH)1524152362200001724152362
 Fiji (FIJ)16211430000192114
 Finland (FIN)27101851193052445656517551146150184480
 France (FRA)[O] [P] [Z]302392772998152441425513854280319354953
 Gabon (GAB)12010100000120101
 Georgia (GEO)813151947800001613151947
 Germany (GER)[GER] [Z]1821322025568813104986526731317318320955
 United Team of Germany (EUA)[EUA]32854361183865196366041137
 East Germany (GDR)[GDR]5153129127409639363511011192165162519
 West Germany (FRG)[FRG]556678120461115133911678294243
 Ghana (GHA)[GHA]16014530000190145
 Great Britain (GBR)[GBR] [Z]30298340343981241251734543103453601,015
 Greece (GRE)3036464712920000050364647129
 Grenada (GRN)11113500000111135
 Guatemala (GUA)15111310000161113
 Guyana (GUY)[GUY]19001100000190011
 Haiti (HAI)[J]17011210000180112
 Hong Kong (HKG)[HKG]1843613600002443613
 Hungary (HUN)28187161182530242261052189163188540
 Iceland (ISL)220224190000410224
 India (IND)[F]26101021411100003710102141
 Indonesia (INA)1710141640000001710141640
 Iran (IRI)[K]18272932881200003027293288
 Iraq (IRQ)16001100000160011
 Ireland (IRL)2315101742800003115101742
 Israel (ISR)184610208000026461020
 Italy (ITA)[M] [S]292292012286582442435614153271244284799
 Jamaica (JAM)[JAM]1927392894900002827392894
 Japan (JPN)24189162191542221729307646206191221618
 Jordan (JOR)12121400000121214
 Kazakhstan (KAZ)815253878813481616284286
 Kenya (KEN)163944411244000020394441124
 Kosovo (KOS)331152000053115
 North Korea (PRK)1116182761901122016192863
 South Korea (KOR)19109100111320193330167938142130127399
 Kuwait (KUW)14003300000140033
 Kyrgyzstan (KGZ)805813800001605813
 Latvia (LAT)134116211213610255141231
 Lebanon (LBN)190224180000370224
 Liechtenstein (LIE)19000020226103922610
 Lithuania (LTU)1169153010000021691530
 Luxembourg (LUX)[O]262103100202362305
 Malaysia (MAS)[MAS]1508715200001708715
 Mauritius (MRI)11001100000110011
 Mexico (MEX)25132737771000003513273777
 Moldova (MDA)803710800001603710
 Mongolia (MGL)152121731150000302121731
 Montenegro (MNE)501014000090101
 Morocco (MAR)168513268000024851326
 Mozambique (MOZ)12101200000121012
 Namibia (NAM)905050000090505
 Netherlands (NED)[Z]281101121343562253494514750163161179503
 Netherlands Antilles (AHO)[AHO] [I]13010120000150101
 New Zealand (NZL)[NZL]2563405415717222642654256163
 Niger (NIG)14011200000140112
 Nigeria (NGR)18311132720000203111327
North Macedonia North Macedonia (MKD)8011270000150112
 Norway (NOR)[Q]286553531712414813412340552213187176576
 Pakistan (PAK)1943411400002343411
 Panama (PAN)19112400000191124
 Paraguay (PAR)14010110000150101
 Peru (PER)[L]20131530000231315
 Philippines (PHI)233510186000029351018
 Poland (POL)23739314230824779234780100151331
 Portugal (POR)26611153290000356111532
 Puerto Rico (PUR)2022812800002822812
 Qatar (QAT)11225900000112259
 Refugee Olympic Team (EOR)300110000030011
 Romania (ROU)23931011233172200114593101124318
 Russia (RUS)[RUS]6147126150423647393512112194165185544
 Russian Empire (RU1)[RU1]314380000031438
 Soviet Union (URS)[URS]93953192961,0109785759194184733763551,204
 Unified Team (EUN)[EUN]14538291121968232544437135
 Olympic Athletes from Russia (OAR)[OAR]00000126917126917
 ROC (ROC)[ROC]120282371151215322254038103
 Samoa (SAM)11010100000110101
 Saint Lucia (LCA)811020000081102
 San Marino (SMR)160123110000270123
 Saudi Arabia (KSA)13022410000140224
 Senegal (SEN)16010150000210101
 Serbia (SRB)[SRB]69812294000010981229
 Serbia and Montenegro (SCG)[YUG/SCG]324393000062439
 Singapore (SGP)18123610000191236
 Slovakia (SVK)[SVK]810149338442101614181143
 Slovenia (SLO)91010113194812241814182355
 South Africa (RSA)2128363195700002828363195
 Spain (ESP)[Z]2553765818721113546547761192
 Sri Lanka (SRI)[SRI]19020200000190202
 Sudan (SUD)14010100000140101
 Suriname (SUR)[E]14101200000141012
 Sweden (SWE)[Z]291511811825142465516017653216232242690
 Switzerland (SUI)305481792142463475816854117128137382
 Syria (SYR)15112400000151124
 Chinese Taipei (TPE)[TPE] [TPE2]169112343130000299112343
 Tajikistan (TJK)8115740000121157
 Tanzania (TAN)[TAN]15020200000150202
 Thailand (THA)1811111941500002311111941
 Togo (TOG)12001120000140011
 Tonga (TGA)11010120000130101
 Trinidad and Tobago (TTO)[TTO]193511194000023351119
 Tunisia (TUN)1664818000001664818
 Turkey (TUR)2441294111118000042412941111
 Turkmenistan (TKM)801010000080101
 Uganda (UGA)1755313000001755313
 Ukraine (UKR)83841721518324916414376160
 United Arab Emirates (UAE)11101200000111012
 United States (USA)[P] [Q] [R] [Z] [F]291,1018747802,7552411412195330531,2159958753,085
 Uruguay (URU)2322610100002422610
 Uzbekistan (UZB)8188234981001161982350
 Venezuela (VEN)2037919400002437919
 Vietnam (VIE)17131500000171315
 Virgin Islands (ISV)14010180000220101
 Yugoslavia (YUG)[YUG to 1992]16262928831403143026322987
 Zambia (ZAM)[ZAM]15012300000150123
 Zimbabwe (ZIM)[ZIM]15341810000163418
 Individual Neutral Athletes (AIN)[AIN]113110000011315
 Independent Olympic Athletes (IOA)[IOA]310120000031012
 Independent Olympic Participants (IOP)[IOP]101230000010123
 Mixed team (ZZX)[ZZX]3116825000003116825